Friday, May 31, 2019
Hayden Carruth :: essays research papers
Hayden Carruth     Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey is Hayden Carruths most late collection ofworks. Published in 1996, it reflects a dark, boozed washed view of the worldthrow the eyes of a 76- year-old man. His works reflect his personal experiencesand his opinion on world events. Despite technical merit Carruth works havebecome depressing.     Hayden Carruth is a child of the depression born in Vermont in 1921where he lived for many an(prenominal) tears. He now lives in upstate New York, where he taughtin the Graduate Creative Writing Program at Syracuse University, until hisrecent retierment. He has published twenty-nine books, mostly of poetry but alsoa novel, four books of criticism, and anthologies as considerably. Four of his mostrecent books are Selected Essays & Reviews, cool Longer Poems, CollectedShorter Poems, 1946-1991, and Suicides and Jazzers. He edited poetry for, Poetry,Harpers, and for 20 years The Hudson Review. He has re ceived fellowships fromthe Bollingen Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the National Endowmentfor the Arts, most recently in 1995, a Lannan Lit epochry Fellowship. He has wonmany awords including the Lenore Marsh completely introduce, the Paterson Poetry Prize, theVermont Governors Medal, the Carl Sandburg Award, the Whiting Award, the RuthLily Prize, the National Book Award and The National Book Critics Circle Awardfor Collected Shorter Poems, 1946-1991.     In "Another" Carruth comments on the goal of poetry. He begins bydismissing truth and beauty          "Truth and beauty          were never the           aims of proper poetry          and the era          which proclaimed them          was a brutal&nb sp         era."               -Another     The era mite have been brutal but "truth and beauty" where and still area large break in of "proper poetry". The collected works of William Shakespeare andRobert Frost both have great deal of truth and beauty in their works as well asthe tragic ordeals in life while Carruth only sees the brutality of life.Carruth goes on to name the goal of poetry as          "...let          justice be immemorial          when we sing,..."               -Another     Even though hes primary goal is justice this collection of poems seemsto be one long complaint about injustice. It is easy to agree with Carruth inthe & quot choice of wine" when he says "this wine is really awful, " unlike the poet,it is his unremitting winning that is awful. Like self commentary Carruthwrites           "Language is defeated          in the heavy, heavy day.           thumb lines on the page          like grass mown in the meadow."               -The Heaviness     This utter heaviness can be seen in the horrific poem "The Camp, " all21 verses of it lament mans hardness of heart. In the second verse, a lighterthrough reads,          "As the kittens were born
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Acupressure and Shiatsu :: Health Therapy Asia Papers
Acupressure and Shiatsu Massage Therapy/ Oriental methods/ Acupressure and ShiatsuThe Purpose of Acupressure/ How Acupressure workings/ Claims of Acupressure/Support of Claims/ The Purpose of Shiatsu/ How Shiatsu Works/ Claims of Shiatsu/ Support of the Claims/ Conclusion/ Tests ans StudiesMassage Therapy Massage therapy is a procedure that affects all systems of the body digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, circulatory, endocrine and the nervous system. Massage can change the blood by increasing the oxygen capacity, affect the muscles, increase the bodys secretions and excretions, affect the nervous system, deepen skin condition and it affects internal organs. Massages benefit you physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Examples of such benefits are stress relief, a relaxed state, quicker recovery eon and a bigger sense of self awareness. Massage aids in the circulation of blood, the movement of the lymphatic fluid, the release of toxins, the release of ten sion, mind/body integration, reduction of stress, energy and enhancement of all incarnate systems. It was found in a study of University of Miami students that a months worth of massages heightened brain wave activities, decreased anxiety and helped students complete math problems in half the time and with fewer errors. ( http//www.latimes.com80/CNS_DAYS/980831/t000079147.html) There are many different methods of massage therapy such as traditional European massages, Contemporary western massages, Structual/Movement/ practicable/Integration massages, oriental methods and energetic methods. Oriental Methods The goal of oriental medicine is to diagnose the nature of imbalance- to discern the pattern of disharmony, not to diagnose the name of the disease. There is a saying illness is goodness. Health is balance- illness is a signal of imbalance, and of the bodys action to regain that balance. (http// Oriental methods are taken fr om the fundamentals of Chinese medicine which are based on flow of energy or chi through the meridians. The oriental way of thinking is the yin and yang. Therefore, the oriental view of good wellness is when there is a balance between the yin and the yang. The yin is cold, dark and interior while the yang is warm, light and exterior. Despite the fact that they are complete opposites, the Orientals view them as one. They wee-wee each other, define each other, control each other and transform into each other. ( http// Health includes ones physical, spiritual and emotional roles.
Wystan Hugh Auden Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays
Wystan Hugh AudenWystan Hugh Auden was born on February 21, 1907, in provincial York, England. Over the next sixty-six course of studys, he became adept of the most prolific poets of the twentieth century. He was a versatile poet who felt that poetry was a game of knowledge. He boarded at Greshams School in Norfolk and in 1925 went to Christ Church at Oxford. Although he initially studied biology, he quickly switched to English. From there he embarked on a literary life history that covered almost fifty years. Audens influences were plentiful T. S. Eliot, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Frost, and above all Thomas Hardy. Ironically, future generations of poets, including John Ashbery, W.S. Merwin, James Wright, and James Merrill, would look to Auden as a primary influence in their own poetry. The first phase, or chapter as Auden would call it, of his literary life covered 1927 to 1932. During this time he emerged from the land of English Romanticism, the Lake Distr ict. A pamphlet entitled Poems was printed out in 1928 on a hand press with the help of poet and friend Stephen Spender. After spending a year and a half in Berlin, Germany, Auden returned to England to have his first book published. This book, again entitled Poems (1930), was published by Faber and Faber under the direction of T.S. Eliot. As David Perkins explains in A Modern History of Poetry Modernism and After, Auden seemed in the 20s to be the next step beyond Eliot. The general trend of his writing, regarded as a reaction against Eliot, seemed to be toward accessibility, a more conversational tone, and a freer use of discursive or generalizing language (151). But the thirties led to a novel chapter in Audens life. By the 1930s, Auden, alo... ... the Pulitzer Prize. This was followed up with the esteemed Bollingen Prize (1954) and Feltrinelli Prize (1957). Auden continued to write with twenty-one more volumes to come. In 1946 Auden became an American citizen. W. H. Auden dese rves his ranking as not only one of the 20th-Centurys greatest poets, but also as one of its most prolific literary authors. Apart from his poetry, Auden wrote reviews, critical articles, and essays ranging from Greek literature and Icelandic sagas to modern poetry and fiction, folklore, childrens literature, psychology, religion, history, biography, light verse, and music. His influence can be compared only to the likes of Eliot, Yeats, and Pound. WORKS CITEDAuden, W. H. Collected Poems. New York Vintage International, 1991.Perkins, David. A History of Modern Poetry Modernism and After. Cambridge Harvard UP, 1987.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay on Number Theory -- Mathematics Math
Research PaperThroughout math, there are many conventionalitys of summates that have supererogatory and distinct properties. thither are even numbers, primes, odd numbers, multiples of four, eight, seven, ten, and so forth One important and strange pattern of numbers is the set of Fibonacci numbers. This is the sequence of numbers that follow in this pattern 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. The idea is that each number is the sum of its previous two numbers (n=n-1+n-2) (Kreith). The Fibonacci numbers appear in various numbers of math, such as dad?s Triangle and the Golden proportion/Section. It falls under number theory, which is the study of whole or rational numbers. Number Theory develops theories, simple equations, and uses special tools to find specific numbers. Some topic examples from number theory are the Euclidean Algorithm, Fermat?s Little Theorem, and Prime Numbers.Strangely, the Fibonacci numbers appear in spirit too. One familiar appearance in which the Fibonacci nu mbers appear in constitution is the rabbit family line (and bee family line as well). Another strange way in which the Fibonacci numbers relate to genius is the plant kingdom. Because of these strange relationships, I ask the question How and why do the Fibonacci numbers appear in nature? In this paper, I will attempt to answer this question. Pascal?s Triangle - Golden Rectangle 2The man behind the Fibonacci numbers, Leonardo Fibonacci, was born in Pisa in 1175 A.D. During his life, he was a custom officer in Africa and businessman who traveled to various places. During these trips he gained knowledge and skills which enabled him to be recognized by emperor Fredrick II. Fredrick II noticed Fibonacci and ordered him to befool part in a mathematical tournament. This place would eventuall... ...its relation to the Golden Angle, which appears in the primordia of plants in order to move on the maximum number of primordia for plants. I worry to think of an idea in the book, ?Life?s Other Secret,? which says that it?s not just Fibonacci Numbers that consequence it?s also the matter in which they arise (Stewart). 9Works CitedAdam, John. mathsematics in Nature. Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University Press, 2003.Knott, Ron. ?Fibonacci Numbers in Nature? 18, July 2005. 03, Aug 2005. Kreith, Kurt. initiation Professor. Davis, California.Muldrew, Lola. COSMOS Teacher Fellow. Davis, California.Stewart, Ian. Life?s Other Secret. Canada John Wiley & Sons, Inc.University of Cambridge. ?The Life and Numbers of Fibonacci? Sep 1997. 03, Aug 2005. Essay on Number Theory -- Mathematics MathResearch PaperThroughout math, there are many patterns of numbers that have special and distinct properties. There are even numbers, primes, odd numbers, multiples of four, eight, seven, ten, etc. One important and strange pattern of numbers is the set of Fibonacci numbers. This is the sequence of numbers that follow in this pattern 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. Th e idea is that each number is the sum of its previous two numbers (n=n-1+n-2) (Kreith). The Fibonacci numbers appear in various topics of math, such as Pascal?s Triangle and the Golden Ratio/Section. It falls under number theory, which is the study of whole or rational numbers. Number Theory develops theories, simple equations, and uses special tools to find specific numbers. Some topic examples from number theory are the Euclidean Algorithm, Fermat?s Little Theorem, and Prime Numbers.Strangely, the Fibonacci numbers appear in nature too. One familiar way in which the Fibonacci numbers appear in nature is the rabbit family line (and bee family line as well). Another strange way in which the Fibonacci numbers relate to nature is the plant kingdom. Because of these strange relationships, I ask the question How and why do the Fibonacci numbers appear in nature? In this paper, I will attempt to answer this question. Pascal?s Triangle - Golden Rectangle 2The man behind the Fibonacci numb ers, Leonardo Fibonacci, was born in Pisa in 1175 A.D. During his life, he was a customs officer in Africa and businessman who traveled to various places. During these trips he gained knowledge and skills which enabled him to be recognized by Emperor Fredrick II. Fredrick II noticed Fibonacci and ordered him to take part in a mathematical tournament. This place would eventuall... ...its relation to the Golden Angle, which appears in the primordia of plants in order to give the maximum number of primordia for plants. I like to think of an idea in the book, ?Life?s Other Secret,? which says that it?s not just Fibonacci Numbers that matter it?s also the matter in which they arise (Stewart). 9Works CitedAdam, John. Mathematics in Nature. Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University Press, 2003.Knott, Ron. ?Fibonacci Numbers in Nature? 18, July 2005. 03, Aug 2005. Kreith, Kurt. COSMOS Professor. Davis, California.Muldrew, Lola. COSMOS Teacher Fellow. Davis, California.Stewart, Ian. Life?s Other Secret. Canada John Wiley & Sons, Inc.University of Cambridge. ?The Life and Numbers of Fibonacci? Sep 1997. 03, Aug 2005.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Newspaper Report On The Conviction Of Macbeth :: essays research papers
Topic If macbeth was still alive show a newspaper article showing the trial that would consequence place concerning his conviction of murder(INSERT TOWN HERE) - After a long and arduous trial, MacBeth was found guilty by the Brisbane Court House yesterday. The former fairy of Scotland pleaded not guilty in the (INSERT TOWN HERE) sittings of District Court to murder and premeditated murder.It was revealed by the defence, that MacBeth was a former battle hardened soldier, who was disposed(p) the designation ?Thane of Cawdor? for his glorious effort on the battlefield. It was also portrayed that MacBeth was a character who set aside concern for his own life, a trait that was quickly laid-off by the prosecution throughout the trial.It was heard by the jury that, when MacBeth was returning from the battlefield to Duncan?s camp, he first encountered the mysterious and enigmatic three witches. It was here(predicate) that the prophecy of MacBeth becoming king was announced by the witc hes. MacBeth testified upon hearing this, that he disbelieved the allegation. However witnesses put forward that when MacBeth arrived back at his castle, he was overheard conspiring with Lady MacBeth regarding Duncan?s murder. Further into the trial it was exposed that MacBeth could not become king, as the Scottish lineage to the throne moves from father to first-born son. However, members from within the same bloodline could lay lead to the throne if Duncan had no living sons. The prosecution then brought forth D.N.A evidence, which revealed that MacBeth was in fact Duncan?s cousin. Since Duncan had already named Malcolm the heir to the Scottish throne, Duncan had to be murdered. Information garner from a nearby witness shows that at the hour of 1245 am, Duncan the former king of Scotland lay peacefully in his humble chambers. The prosecution revealed that the servants guarding the kings? bedchamber were drugged in order to gain a silent entry. MacBeth then quietly crept towards the king lying asleep. From the evidence revealed in the autopsy of Duncan, and the statement given to police by witnesses, it was discovered that he was stabbed a total of seven times in the chest area causing death to the victim. With murder weapon in hand, MacBeth then continued to murder the two drugged servants to ensure total silence on their part.A well beloved and honoured king direct brutally dead. It was then conveyed by the prosecution that MacBeth proceeded to blame the deaths, on the two dead servants.
Newspaper Report On The Conviction Of Macbeth :: essays research papers
Topic If macbeth was still alive show a newspaper article showing the trial that would take maculation concerning his conviction of murder(INSERT TOWN HERE) - After a long and arduous trial, MacBeth was found guilty by the Brisbane Court House yesterday. The former King of Scotland pleaded non guilty in the (INSERT TOWN HERE) sittings of District Court to murder and premeditated murder.It was revealed by the defence, that MacBeth was a former battle hardened soldier, who was given the title ?Thane of Cawdor? for his splendid effort on the battlefield. It was also portrayed that MacBeth was a character who set aside concern for his own life, a trait that was quickly dismissed by the prosecution throughout the trial.It was heard by the jury that, when MacBeth was returning from the battlefield to Duncan?s camp, he first encountered the mysterious and enigmatic three witches. It was here that the prognostication of MacBeth becoming king was announced by the witches. MacBeth testifi ed upon hearing this, that he disbelieved the allegation. However witnesses put forward that when MacBeth arrived back at his castle, he was overheard conspiring with Lady MacBeth regarding Duncan?s murder. boost into the trial it was exposed that MacBeth could not become king, as the Scottish lineage to the can buoy moves from father to first-born son. However, members from within the same bloodline could lay claim to the throne if Duncan had no living sons. The prosecution then brought forth D.N.A evidence, which revealed that MacBeth was in fact Duncan?s cousin. Since Duncan had already named Malcolm the heir to the Scottish throne, Duncan had to be murdered. Information gathered from a nearby witness shows that at the hour of 1245 am, Duncan the former king of Scotland lay peacefully in his humble chambers. The prosecution revealed that the servants guarding the kings? bedroom were drug in order to gain a silent entry. MacBeth then quietly crept towards the king lying asleep. From the evidence revealed in the autopsy of Duncan, and the statement given to police by witnesses, it was discovered that he was stabbed a total of seven times in the chest area causing death to the victim. With murder weapon in hand, MacBeth then continued to murder the two drugged servants to ensure total silence on their part.A well beloved and honoured king now brutally dead. It was then conveyed by the prosecution that MacBeth proceeded to blame the deaths, on the two dead servants.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Jonathan Swift Essay
Compare and contrast the fashions in which the problem of homelessness and the solution to it are presented in the two texts A Modest plan by Jonathan Swift and Stone Cold by Robert Swindells.In this assignment I am going to compare the two texts, which talk about their aro wont of homelessness. Although the two texts are written 250 years apart where the problem of homelessness was first depict by Jonathan Swift it is still a big problem forthwith as Robert Swindells outlines in his text.The text written by Robert Swindells, Stone Cold, shows the cruelty of the DSS, who brush aside the homeless like Link beca function he hasnt got a permanent address. This particular problem was defined by the Robert Swindells, as they made no attempt to help the young homeless people in London. Link says that he may as well be speaking to one of the stone lions in Trafalgar Square, suggesting to the reader it was a complete macerate of time.This is linked with A Modest Proposal, which was wri tten by Jonathan Swift 250 years ago as it states about how uncaring the rich landlords of Ireland are. For example, Who, as they pay off already devoured most of the Parents, come upm to fetch the best title to the children, which means the landlords have already eaten most of the parents and seem to have the best right to the children, which I feel means the landlords dont really care about the poor. I also think this is a savage comment.Another problem outlined in the two texts is that of unemployment. In Stone Cold Swindells shows the problem of unemployment when Link goes to find a job and is turned down because he doesnt have a fixed address. So this means anybody without a fixed address cannot get a job. This problem leads to a whole string of problems like no money, no accommodation, which leads to people begging on the streets to get as much money as they can.In A Modest Proposal the problem of unemployment was most 250 years ago as well. How ever the problem 250 years ago was very different as it was mainly the women who were unemployed as they had 3-6 children each as there was no control over getting pregnant. This meant the women had to support the children whatever way she could this usually meant begging.So in the two texts the problem of unemployment in the land up the result seemed to be begging on the streets to survive.So putting that together I can see that in 250 years when the problem was first outlined by Swift, it is still a major problem today, and there are still uncaring people towards them.In the next section of my assignment I am going to write about the language of the two texts.If you compare the two texts, you can notice the way in which the two writers spell language and also the punctuation is very different.If you look at the text for A Modest Proposal words are spelt very differently from today, as they did not have a dictionary the writer spelt words, as he wanted to. For example the way Jonathan Swift spelt publick is not the way we would write today. We would spell it public.The spelling in Stone Cold is, however, standardized as we now get our words from a dictionary, so to us it makes perfective tense sense. Also in Stone Cold there is great use of 20th century slang words like, Doggie bag, which is slang for someones name I would think.The way the two writers use punctuation is very different.In A Modest Proposal the punctuation is very different to how we use punctuation now. The writer seems to put commas wherever he feels like and also puts capital letters in the middle of a sentence. For example, when they see the Streets, the Roads, and Cabbin-Doors, crowded with beggars of the feminine Sex. You can see that there is a lot of use of commas where some of them should be full stops. Also if you look towards the end of the sentence you can see that Sex is spelt with a capital at the end of a sentence.In contrast if you look at the text for Stone Cold the writers use of punctuation is ve ry different to that of Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal, as in Stone Cold the writers punctuation is standardized into 20th century language.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Comparison of the first chapters of Pride and Prejudice and Great Expectations Essay
In the offset printing chapter of Great Expectations, Dickens uses runner person narration to present a retrospective account of the narrators formative experiences. The narrator has obviously matured and learnt much since his days as a new boy, and he recounts his innocent tomography with some humour and disdain My first fancies regarding what they were like, were unreasonably derived from their tombstones. Here Dickens uses authorial control to present a drear account of a lonely, orphaned boy and that Philip Pirrip, late of the parish, and also Georgiana wife of the above, were dead and buried. And the fact that he mentions his parents death in the second paragraph shows hardly how significantly this has affected the young boys life.In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen also uses authorial control to immediately inform the reader of the central home of the book, and establish a humorous, ironic tone. This is done through the famous first line It is a truth universally ackno wledged, that a single manhood in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. but unlike Dickens first person narration, Austen separates herself totally from the mind and viewpoint of the characters, using dialogue to show her contempt for the social expectation of marriage Oh Single, my dear to be sure A single man of large fortune four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls Austen presents Mrs Bennet as a personification of the first sentence of the book, and uses humour and irony to satirise and mock her.Another comparison between the two first chapters is that Dickens is very descriptive in his porta paragraphs Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles at sea. whereas Austen does not give any background information on the characters and where they live until the can. At the end of the chapter Austen describes Mr and Mrs Bennet Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice. and Mrs Bennet was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and certain temper. This authorial comment tells the reader exactly how to interpret the conversation they have fairish read, and it also presents a contrast between the two books as Dickens uses condolence to make the reader pity Pip, Austen makes no attempt to make her central characters likeable.Finally both authors use binary opposition to emphasize the attributes of the different characters. For exercising in Great Expectations, Dickens contrasts the young, innocent Pip against the old and experienced nature of the escaped convict. When Pip meets the old man he lets his fearful imagination take hold of him O Dont cut my throat sir, I plead in terror. Pray dont do it, sir. which shows just how little understanding of the world Pip has. In Pride and Prejudice Mr Bennets mildly sarcastic statements are lost on Mrs Bennet, whos over enthusiasm makes her oblivious to Mr Bennets mocking tone Mr Ben net, how can you abuse your own children in such way? You take joyfulness in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves. The disparity between them is amusing, but it is also ironic, as the readers first view of marriage in a novel about finding marital happiness is one of a mismatched couple that cannot communicate.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Virginia Woolfââ¬â¢s a Room of Oneââ¬â¢s Own
Though published seventy years ago, Virginia Woolfs A Room of Ones Own holds no less appeal directly than it did then. Modern women preservers look to Woolf as a prophet of inspiration. In November of 1929, Woolf wrote to her friend G. Lowes Dickinson that she penned the book because she wanted to encourage the young womenthey seem to get frightfully blue (xiv). The irony here, of course, is that Woolf herself eventu all(prenominal)y grew so depressed and discouraged that she killed herself. The suicide seems symptomatic of Woolfs own feelings of oppression within a patriarchal world where only the rowing of men, it seemed, were taken seriously.Nevertheless, women spellrs still look to Woolf as a liberating force and, in special(a), at A Room of Ones Own as an inspiring and em catering work. Woolf biographer Quentin Bell nones that the school text argues the disabilities of women are social and economic the woman salvager mess only survive despite great difficulties, and de spite the prejudice and the economic selfishness of men and the signalise to emancipation is to be found in the door of a way which a woman may call her own and which she can inhabit with the uniform freedom and independence as her brothers. 144) Woolf empowers women writers by first exploring the nature of women and fiction, and then by incorporating notions of androgyny and individuality as it exists in a womans experience as writer. Woolfs first assertion is that women are spatially hindered in creative life. A woman must have m singley and a room of her own if she is to write fiction, Woolf writes, and that as you testament see, leaves the great problem of the true nature of women. . . and fiction unresolved (4). What Woolf seems to say is that being female stifles creativity.Woolf does not assume, however, that a biological case for this stifling exists. Instead, she implies that a womans life conflicts with something that is not life (71). In other words, mothering, being a wife, and the general daily, culturally defined expectations of women infringe upon creativity, in particular the writing of fiction. The smothering reality of a womans life housekeeping and child-rearing duties, for example distr operate a woman from writing. Sadly, Woolf notes, even if a woman in much(prenominal) circumstances manages to write anyway, she will write in a rage where she should write calmly.She will write foolishly where she should write wisely. She will write of herself where she should write of her characters (69-70). Woolf posits here that an angry woman, writing out of the repression of her everyday life, will be an ineffective writer. Finally, Woolf blames the patriarchal enculturation, as if the freedom of women writing is some infringement of mans power to believe in himself (35). She suggests that men resist women writers because fiction by women somehow diminishes their belief in their own works.Woolfs message, it seems, is that women must rail agai nst the resistance of the patriarchal culture and attain some degree of independence and androgyny. Woolf does not suggest that women write the same as men. In fact, Woolf asserts that it would be a thousand pities if women wrote like men, or lived like men, or looked like men (88). Woolf believes that a mans sentence is not a womans sentence, that the two will be vastly discordent from each other, though not necessarily one better than the other.Her assertion is that mens sentences are awkward in the hands of women because the nerves that feed the brain would seem to differ in men and women (78). This difference of gray matter and neurons would necessarily result in a difference of perspective and sentence structure. Woolf suggests that for fiction to be craftily done, there must exist a measure of androgyny, a plan of the soul so that in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female (98).In essence, Woolf claims that this state of androgyny would allow women the same freed om to express themselves that men seem to have been inherently endowed with. The androgynous mind is remindful and porous, Woolf continues, it transmits emotion without impediment it is naturally creative, incandescent and undivided (98). What Woolf overtly states here is that the ideal creative mind is a marriage, or balance, of the supposed female traits of emotionality with the supposed male traits of productivity and style. What is implicit, however, is that the female mind can be resonant and porous only when undivided.In other words, a woman can write well only when her mind, like a mans, is not forced to choose between gender and identity, or between her art and societys expectations of her. A woman will write with fluidity and resonance only when she has the same freedom of expression as a man. An additional notion Woolf presents is that women must maintain individuality in their experiences as writers. This intimacy with ones identity nurtures the creation of fiction, but only when written out of ones own personality and not imitated through anothers. Why are Jane Austens sentences not the right shape for you? Woolf asks Mary Carmichael (80). The idea Woolf reinforces here is that a woman should find and develop her own writing style, not simply mimic her predecessors. Notice, though, that Woolf does not suggest we glean no stylistic inspiration from women writers like the Brontes and Jane Austen, who paved the way for generations of women writers. Books continue each other, Woolf says, in spite of our habit of judging them severally (80). Continuing something, however, does not mean using the same blueprints or tools during the creative process.What Woolf implies is that every book a woman, sitting in that room of her own, produces will kick in books from other women. A degree of mimicry, of course, is impossible to avoid. A woman writing, Woolf admits, thinks back through her mothers (97). The mothers here are not only biological mothers who give alliance to our physical bodies, but also those women who meticulously scratched their way out of patriarchal constraints and into print the women who acted as surrogates to birth generations of women writers.Subtle mimicry would seem a natural act under such circumstances, much as a child unconsciously develops personality traits of either parent. Finally, a woman reading Woolfs book has to wonder if that room of ones own is strictly a spatial, physical concept. It is possible that Woolf writes of a psychological construct as a room of ones own, a place one can emotionally go to and write from. Few of us have the luxury of a concrete room of our own, and if we are to be writers, emotional space of our own is the barest necessity.Women who want to write must find some quiet space in their psyches from which they can create. So long as you write what you want to write, that is all that matters, Woolf encourages, and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say (106 ). What Woolf seems to say is that what we create within that space of ourselves, within a single moment, is what matters so long as we do it with an eye toward our own individual, androgynous hearts.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Digitization of Library Materials
The Usage of information Communication applied science in scholarship and engine room training Networks in Sri Lanka R. P. R. N. Premarathna No. 361/1, Manel Watta Road, Bollegala Gonewala (w. p. ), Tel. 0714307681, Email. ranjan. emailprotected com A number of concerted programmes including exchange of cultivation can be seen among member libraries of the Science & Technology information networks in Sri Lanka. At present most of information networks in other countries engage in their accommodating activities by using Information Communication Technology (ICT).This research attempts measure the impact of Information Communication Technology for cooperative activities of information networks among science and technology information networks in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Scientific and Technical Information Network (SLSTINET), Agricultural Information Network (AGRINET), and Health Literature Library and Information Service (HELLIS) have been selected for the research. These networks p roperly carry on library cooperative activities. The aim of the study is to find out whether they use information converse technology to do their cooperative activities.Data has been collected from these three networks and their member libraries by move questionnaires. Questionnaires were sent to 60 out of 120 member libraries of SLSTINET, 25 out of 30 member libraries of AGRINET and 12 out of 19 member libraries of HELLIS. Data outline has been done by calculating mode, mean and representation of percentage values. Data has been presented by using table and diagram. It was found that the Usage of Information Communication Technology can be seen in some house keeping function (a computerized catalogue, creating data bases, internet searching, CD ROMs searching and using emails) of the networks.It is used in cooperative programmes like contributing to union catalogue and ULIST, current awareness service through the email and providing access to online journals also. Some member li braries in networks do not have computer hardware and software facilities. Lack of allocating financial provisions and lack of attention of mother organizations, have affected the use of information communication technology. It was found that up to a satisfactory level ICT is being used in science and technology information networks in Sri Lanka. Keywords ICT Information Technology Information Network cooperative programmes AGRINET HELLIS SLSTINET
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Impact of Globalisation on International Business Essay
Tesfay Kumenit, Faculty of Law, University of Gondar, Ethiopia, 2008 The term planetaryization did not become popular until the 20th century. and then onwards, it has become a typical issue understood to affect the whole socio-economic and political life of states through come out of the closet the world. Besides, the discourse on globalization is complex with far-reaching personal effects on national and international laws and policies pertaining to the social, economic and political matters. It is commonsense knowledge that issues related to globalization ar open to debates, as various people study varying perceptions about it.At one extreme, we gather in those who see globalization as an irresistible and benign force for delivering economic prosperity in economically underdeveloped atomic number 18as. On other extreme, we have those who blame it as a source of all contemporary ills. Those people winning the latter line of transmission line emphasis on the negative impacti ons of globalization from various dimensions. Specially, they make frequent reference to the difficulties faced by small enterprises in underdeveloped areas in taking advantage of the benefits of globalization.As the result, the rural and informal economies remain on the margin, which in turn leads to persistent poverty. Besides, the industrial restructuring in force of competitive markets is highly apparent to insecure jobs and dramatically affects the working conditions and rights of workers in slightly countries. In closely developing countries, globalization has undermined traditional livelihoods, changed the traditional social security systems and increased rural-urban and intra-regional inequalities.Moreover, some multi-national investment have been exacerbating environmental degradation and generated pressures for cheaper and more flexible labor in order to retain competitiveness which in effect could eat into the values of democracy and social justice. In carnal knowled ge to this, the accountability of these institutions engaged in business is debatable. In reality, some people feel that transnational bodies are unaccountable which usually disregard the local perspectives of cultural, linguistic, and other diversities. The other extreme argument is on the positive impact of globalization.To this effect, it is widely accepted that the key characterstics of globalization have been the liberalization of international trade, the expansion of FDI, and the emergence of massive cross-border financial flows. This resulted in increased competition in global markets. It is also widely declare that this has become about through the combined effect of different understanding factors mainly policy decisions, to reduce national barriers to international economic minutes and the impact of new technology. Due to the effect of the latter, the natural barriers of time and space have been vastly reduced.At present, the cost of moving information, people, goods and capitals across the glop has fallen dramatically which in turn vastly expanded the feasibility of economic transactions across the world. As to this, people believe that markets can be global in compass and encompass an expanding range of goods and services. With the intention to benefit international communities on equal footing, various institutions were created. Among others, UN, ILO, WTO, GATT and IMF are the most influential ones. These institutions set certain preconditions that states shall fulfill to ticktack membership.Beyond that, a number of laws are issued to liberalize international business transactions. By this, it is sought that regional cooperation in trade and finance could increase stability. As it is mentioned above, globalization can have both direct and indirect impact on states. It would also inevitably affect the laws of international business transactions each negatively or positively. As to the former, the challenges against globalization whitethorn dict ate the revision of these laws in a manner which may equally benefit the poor and the rich.The gesture that must be capitalized is whether these laws are in positions to treat the north and the south as there is unbridgeable gap between them. If states are to be benefited from the globalization, most argue that there must be fair laws which consider the local realities in developing countries. Hence, some argue that the present laws to this end do not take the realities at ground in to account specially in third world countries. the fact that the market is highly competitive, the poor would be pushed out of game and this would even increased income disparities with in the industrial countries . he multi-national institutions which have small capital in industrial countries, may transfer to the countries with lower cost.These institutions would well make profits in the expense of the poor. Then power would be shifted from local institutions to trans-national ones. Many agree that g lobalization by itself is not a problem. But, laws which are designed to regulate the global transactions shall consider the existing realities the failure of which may rise various impediments against globalization.Institutions like IMF, The World Bank, The WTO, The ILO, and other specialized agencies as well as business, trade unions and other NGOs are in a lead to guide the process to this effect. To be beneficiaries of these institutions, sates have to revise their domestic laws in conformity with the guiding principles and regulations of the above institutions. In the due course, they are expected to enhance social infrastructures and respect human rights. The other face of this achievement would alter poor countries to get assistance and donations from these powerful donor institutions.As a result, limitations on free trade would be minimized and this in turn may lead to the flow of foreign direct investment which like a shot or indirectly add to efforts of poverty eradicati on and promote sustainable development. These measures would make states to ring of common laws regulating business transactions. By this, there would be free trade with no or little barriers across the borders. But this does not loaded that multinational corporations are free to exploit resources for the sole purpose of profit maximization. Rather, they have to have social responsibility as well.In fact, it is debatable as to what responsibilities these institutions assumed to have. The debate in this regard largely revolve around the conduct of multi-national corporations and other large private companies which ,due to their sizes, have the ability to significantly exploit domestic and international policy and the communities in which they operate. Central to the debate is the perceived deficiency of national and international law remedies regarding corporate accountability, particularly the ability of useable regulations to successfully regulate a corporates conduct in jurisdi ctions outside their home state.Moreover, most people agree that the efficient functioning of the global markets depend on socially responsible business conduct. To this end, organizations, such as UN, the International Labor Organization (ILO) have developed compacts, declarations, guidelines, principles and other instruments that outline norms for unexceptionable corporate conducts.To sum up, though there are the divided idea as to how all states benefit from globalization, at present, most agree that issues in relation to human rights, environmental maters etc are the common concerns of nternational communities which have to be respected and promoted by the joint efforts in every corner of the world. Moreover, since international business transactions directly or indirectly related to these common concerns, it is believed to be a common concern as well. There fore, laws of international business transactions have to be in a position to respect and promote principles and guide li nes provided to regulate other global concerns. From this, it is easy to understand, how much the laws of international business directly or indirectly are under the influence of globalization.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Group Influence Essay
A sort is a combination of more than one soul sharing some values, beliefs, or a set of behaviors. Many individuals together sharing a common goal or need is a root word of people. People in a group sharing these common things tilt to have interdependent behaviors. Each of the members of a group influences the behavior of a nonher. Individuals will tend to react to situations or have specific behaviors in specific situations guided by a reference group view to those situations. companys of people that influence their selves ar members of the identical religion, roommates, school friends, workmates, etc. Groups influence their selves in two ways. A group may influence the identity through conformity or obedience. Group influence has many effects on their selves. Some of them are positive while others are negative and damaging to the personality. The aim of this paper is to evaluate group influence and its effects on the individual. The observation was done at Inland Behavior H ealth Center, which is an outpatient rehabilitation center in San Bernardino. The physical arrangement or layout of the room and setting was as follows chairs were arranged in a circle setting and the instructor was in the center of the group. The instructor used brochures and a rest trifold poster. The composition of the group on terms of ages, sex, and ethnicity, this grouchy class was is inclined to pregnant women only, ages varying from 19 through 35, ethnicity groups being 40% Caucasian, 40% Hispanic, and 20 % African American. The purpose, mission, and goal of this class is to learn about the tobacco health effects on the pregnant women and unborn baby, the mission is to be self-reliant and not to depend on tobacco during when stress is experienced. The goals are to teach them to about all the health effects that can happen due to ingest, to prevent ill-timed birth and low birth weight. The duration of the class duration is ninety minutes. Each participant needs to atte nd eight consecutive weeks and be smoking free for eight consecutive weeks otherwise, the class has no end date.If any participant relapses during program, they are sent back to week one starting with no incentives. The discussion structure of this class is that the instructor follows a curriculum based on a weekly topic that includes, videos, provides handouts, and group discussion. A quiz was given at the end of school term to test comprehension. The class structure and organization is difference, since the class is given at an outpatient rehabilitation center, the participants were in a class when the instructor arrived at 1045 am. The instructor pulled all the pregnant women from the classroom. Some of the pregnant women were already in the Comprehensive Tobacco Treatment program (CTT), which the instructor was aware of it. The other pregnant women, who were not part of the CTT program, were substance abused screened and those who screened positive for tobacco were enrolled in program. At the beginning of the class, a signing stable gear was passed to all attended participants. The instructor has a folder that included a communication form in where she keeps track of each participants cessation status. In a group discussion, she begins by asking if anyone would like to destiny an anecdote to tell about her past week smoking cessation experience. At this time, two participants mentioned how difficult they found that week to stay without smoking and one stated that knowing that if they smoke one cigarette it would equal thirteen packs to the baby. The twinkling participant mentioned that knowing that she had to provide a urine test kept her away from smoking. After the discussion was done, the instructor transitioned by introducing the topic of the week. The topic of this particular week was on Secondhand Smoke. During session, a handout was passed out to all attendees including myself and a video was shown titled The Perils of Secondhand Smoke. A quiz w as given at the end. All attendees were tested through a urine test to make sure they were nicotine free and those who achieved session, were rewarded with infant diapers and xylitol gum as an incentive. After nicotine test was done, the session concluded. The primary facilitator of this class was only one female instructor, who was the program coordinator. She has her bachelors degree in Liberal Studies and currently enrolled in a valet Resource Management program. The program has two instructors who travel to various sites through San Bernardino County. The subject or issues did the groupmembers examine during the meeting was primarily smoking during pregnancy.former(a) topics may include parenting and baby bonding education. The different information that the members exchanged in this class was the difficulties facing through the cessation process that evolves through stress, monetary issues, emotional experiences, and lack of support. The groups norms, roles, status hierarchy, or communication patterns were that the participants are low income, low level of education (less than high school diploma), and ordinarily come from a substance abuse setting. The communication patterns illustrated if this class was that participants were involved as a group and they were very open for discussion and sharing their experiences. The participants members share a sense of identity with one another and the participants shared the same interest of trying to stay tobacco free, provide a health spiritedness environment for their unborn baby and other children living with them. In this class or group there was not any indication that members might be vulnerable to groupthink, because at the beginning of the session, the instructor ask for each individual struggles through the cessation process and they all had their unique storytelling. Although some responses were similar, they did not appear influenced by their partners response. In my opinion, the group has a positiv e influence in each others behaviors because the participants share the same priming coat and they all seemed to understand each other by giving praises for their successes and advices on how to deal with the cravings and withdrawals of tobacco. Unfortunately, due to the background of the participants, they were influenced by their living surroundings and the only thing they knew is to reach for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. In this class, the participants learn the tools necessary to cope with stress factors rather than reaching out for a cigarette as a coping tool. A group influences their selves in many ways. While communicating and sharing some definite norms, people from the same group tend to behave in the same way. The group influences their selves through either obedience or conformity. This influence has many effects that are both positive and negative but mostly negative.ReferencesMyers, D. G. (2010). societal Psychology (10th ed.). New York, NY McGraw Hill.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Initial Assessment Essay
The reasoning for using Initial Assessment in my curriculum area is because the majority of students have non completed a formal education or if having done so hold little or no qualifications. The majority of the courses start at entry level therefore no qualifications are require, but to offer students progression on to higher levels they need to be holding or be equal to achieve a level 1 in communication and application of number. This is the minimum compulsion to complete an apprenticeship programme and the vast majority wish to practise the vocational route to being a qualified tradesman.Procedures Before the day of enrolment students are fore warned at the interview stage what the honor bodies requirement is to do a particular course. In the case of Construction Awards Alliance they have their own assessment criteria to try a match the suitability of the student to a particular trade. However because we deliver from entry to level 2 with three bodies to keep to the assess ment process standard the college format is used( leaflet produced by the learning centre, attached). Hillier. J (2005 p62) states Great care must be used with such assessment activities.M each potential learners will olfactory property passing by being threatened by being asked to undertake a diagnostic assessment. In my opinion as long as students are do aware that this is non a formal test the majority do not mind taking the test, provided that the reasoning behind it is explained correctly. As a carriage it is important I remember the purpose of the test as Lambert. D and Lines. D (2000 p20) state formative assessment is undertaken so that positive achievements of a scholarly person can be recognised and the appropriate next step planned.Once all the information is collated this is entered into the course/ student profile booklet, this enables me or any other tutors to look at a particular student or group qualifications and progress as they are recorded for each achieve ment. Personally I think that the process works well when we complete the diagnostics on line as students can not see how others are doing. Most students feel more comfortable using this method as they do not feel as much pressure as they can wear judgement phones if required.The whole purpose works well because as a tutor working on entry level and to a certain degree on level 1, communication and application of number can be imbedded into the practical aspects of the course. The major weakness that I feel of the assessment process is that they are not curriculum specific aspects of application of number are not relevant to the vocational subject. As I have experienced my self and some full-blown students the terminology of key words has changed until we have had them explained.When using the paper versions students that struggle to read or write often do not complete overflowing of the booklet, for the tutor to find the true level the students capable / working at. An important aspect that is often missed is the fact that to help students there is a requirement to have extra support in place if require for individuals. If there is no support is there a need for assessment? Yes but encounter all the support is provided and available as required in a timely manner.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Role of Madness in Joseph Conradââ¬â¢s Heart of Darkness
The novella snapper of nighttime was written by the British novelist Joseph Conrad and appeared, before its publication in 1902, as a three-part serial in Blackwoods Magazine. This frame tale or spirit level within a fiction follows the lead character Charlie Marlow as he describes his adventures to a group of men aboard a ship. It as well tells of an earlier event in Marlows life, at a time when he was working as a steamboat captain in a country whose name is not specified in the book.The story provides readers with a glimpse into the mind and soul of Marlow as he travels through the illuminatederal Heart of Darkness and comes face-to-face with the atrocities of racism and slavery. Marlows predecessor, the government-employed ivory agent Kurtz, dominates the natives through violence and coercion. When the two men at long last meet, Marlow recognizes in Kurtz a mere shell of a man, the substance and soul of which has been devoured by the contempt of his take in deterrent ex amples. This realization propels Marlow to scrutinize his profess virtues and to decide whether or not to compromise them for the sake of wealth.The novella revolves near three central themes the hypocrisy of imperialism, madness as a result of imperialism, and the absurdity of evil (http//, 2006a). In Heart of Darkness, madness is closely associated with the concept of imperialism. In the text, Africa is presented as a hunting expedition and catalyst for diseases of the body and of the mind. Madness also serves two functions in the novella.First, it functions as an ironic device to plight the readers sympathies (http//, 2006b). As Marlow is informed from the beginning, the ivory agent Kurtz is mad. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that this madness is relative that madness in the context of the setting in which the characters blend in is quite hard to define. This causes the reader to develop a feeling of sympathy towards Kurtz and a sense of dubiousness and mistrust towards the Company. It also propels Marlow, who was initially suspicious of Kurtz, to sympathize with him.Madness also serves to create the necessity of companionable fictions (http//, 2006b). Even though rationales and social norms are strewn throughout Heart of Darkness, they are finally proved to be utterly false and even causative of evil. However, they are indispensable in the invite of providing a sense of personal security and harmony among groups.In Heart of Darkness, madness is the result of having been spaced from superstars own social realm and being permitted to become the lone arbitrator of ones own actions. Therefore, madness is associated not only with supreme power and moral genius save to mans primary and deep-seated imperfection the character of Kurtz answers to no one but himself, and this proves also much for any one person to t olerate.In Heart of Darkness, Kurtz proves unable to resolve the contradictions between his own moral beliefs and cultural assumptions and subsequently sinks into madness when he begins to identify with the natives. Marlow says that Kurtz had gone mad because his soul being along in the wilderness, had looked into itself, and by heavens I tell you, it had gone mad. (http// This is in contrast to Kurtzs nature of being power-hungry.The madness begins when Kurtz, who is mad with power provided by his absolute control over his domain, begins to bow to the lure of the wilderness and the native people. He goes mad when his greed clashes with his growing affinity towards the natives. The subsequent moral dilemma proves too much for him. Marlow, in his recounting of his adventures, says that the moment of the native ceremony was the moment when he realized that Kurtz had gone mad when he went alone into the wilderness, when his spirit ha d been left alone with itself.Marlow recognizes that Kurtz is under the routine of the wilderness and tries to understand what had haggard Kurtz into the edge of the forest towards the throb of drums, the drone of weird incantations beguiled his irregular soul beyond the bounds of permitted aspiration (http//, who is uninterested with wealth or advancement in the Company, is focused chiefly on keeping his sanity amidst the madness in his surroundings. Nevertheless, his experiences leave him broken and distressed. The physical and psychical torment he was forced to endure proved to be too much for him. Through Kurtz, Marlow had been drawn into the horror as well. When Kurtz says his last words, The horror The horror (http//, Marlow was forced to face death.The experience leaves him bewildered and disturbed. He tells the group that when the natives buried Kurtz, they had alm ost buried him as well. When he returns to the city from which he came, Marlow finds the people in that respect stupid and he continues to dwell on Kurtz and the remnants of the life Kurtz had left behind. When he goes to visit Kurtzs fianc, he feels the presence of Kurtzs spirit entering the house with him. As Marlow proceeds into the fiancs house, he imagines the natives spring around their ceremonial fires, and hears Kurtzs voice discussing ivory. Madness, as a theme in Heart of Darkness, serves to strengthen the fact that when given absolute power over himself and those under his influence, man is susceptible to his own ugliness nature.Work CitedConrad, J. (1899). Heart of Darkness. In Davis, et. al. Eds. (1995). Western Literature in a World Context multitude 2 The Enlightenment throughout the Present. New York St. Martins Press. Retrieved from on November 15, 2006.Sparknotes. (2006a). Heart of Darkness Study Guide. Sparknotes nows Most Popular Study Guides from Barnes & Noble. Retrieved from on November 14, 2006.Sparknotes. (2006b). Heart of Darkness Study Guide Themes, Motifs and Symbols. Sparknotes todays Most Popular Study Guides from Barnes & Noble. Retrieved from on November 14, 2006.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Defying Tradition Essay
Article Title idiotic women flourish in womanish-written comedies What information seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the article. Call it The Bridesmaids military group Ever since the R-rated 2011 waggery became a runaway hit a rash of female-written comedies are enticing viewers with provocative rude(a) characters who are more like women we know. Bridesmaids I think opened up a limen to allow women to show a bunch of different women in different ways of universe funny. Since then, women throw been finding a voice in comedy more than ever before. Headland says the youthful breed of funny female writers arose out of frustration, and feminism Actresses such as Kendrick, Snow, Wilson and others say these new female-created characters formula and sound more like actual women they know. Youre not going to solve the problem, but you tail start the conversation, Headland said. I think part of your job, curiously as a woman, is to let yourself be a little u gly and to show uglier parts of yourself. Thats your job as a female artist. Look at the key points and organize any that are related.Call it The Bridesmaids Effect Ever since the R-rated 2011 comedy became a runaway hit a rash of female-written comedies are enticing viewers with provocative new characters who are more like women we know. Headland says the new breed of funny female writers arose out of frustration, and feminism. Actresses such as Kendrick, Snow, Wilson and others say these new female-created characters look and sound more like actual women they know. Youre not going to solve the problem, but you can start the conversation, Headland said. I think part of your job, especially as a woman, is to let yourself be a little ugly and to show uglier parts of yourself. Thats your job as a female artist. Bridesmaids I think opened up a door to allow women to show a bunch of different women in different ways of being funny. Since then, women have been finding a voice in comedy more than ever before. What do the key points in each group have in common?
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Global Strategy for Lenovo
arna(a) strategy for lenovo center O Abstract O Introduction O Learning skills and globalization flavor one inquiry c in entirely foring.Step ii microcosmic encyclopedism Step three trail eruditeness Step four sharpen and increase learning Step vanadium re salmagundi enterprise desoxyribonucleic acid O International employee and Lenovo future(a) ill- accustoms culture O Supply chain O Global trade and recapitulate exploit way O Global strategy and disparateiation strategy O Reform Lenovo business desoxyribonucleic acid for base recent troupe socialisation and global development O Summary O commendation Table of Contents AbstractNow days, to a greater extent and to a greater extent companies ar outlet global. In mainland China Lenovo is a vocalization in that argona. During I do the inquiry about Global strategy I am real interested in the Lenovo conference. It might be the earliest one loses the mind about globalization. At the theme to run company they get them target is going global. In my paper I find slightly atomic number 18a for them strategy try to find a way to suit for this big company. I totallyo kick upstairsg retain seven parts to written this paper. There are Learning skills and globalization International employee and Lenovo near blackguard development Supply chain Global mercenaryizeing and double operation mode Global strategy and differentiation strategyReform Lenovo business desoxyribonucleic acid New company culture and global development This allow for be a system of rules for a company should be taking on the global way. I inadequacy to explain ways to suitable Chinese company are going to global. Lenovo is a theatrical role to learn. Introduction Lenovo take a goal is foreign is come up very(prenominal) early. Lenovo has been raised from the milling machinery opened in Hong Kong to buy IBM PC department. From list to open research and development base overseas. Lenovo is step by step to wards international, to a multinational company. But deep in the blood of Lenovo company culture is a good thing or will become hinder development in the pass on is a point.Lenovo existing resources and the international strategy Lenovo take are good enough for the international journey. through Lenovo history to find strategies Lenovo was taken Investigate Lenovo history is non problematical to find that Lenovo development seems get some relationship with Chinas political. Chinas international will be the Lenovo international. Lenovo is a national feeling of enterprises. 80s ideas for the national association depict excellent development opportunities. Lenovo engender hold of peoples national feeling and do the right merchandise as them habitual engineer Ni guangnan. Today, Chinas international are in like manner give Lenovo provides a solid support. From Lenovo development history is to view.Lenovo no mater what commission mode, operating mode or technology mode have b een in development. Each one changes is against every major change in the marketplace. But this fourth dimension for Lenovo globalization them mark the change is non good enough. From the counterbalance to make the control of the plane to chock up was indeed beyond imagination. Lenovo is from the confidence to headhunt from dingle. From Hong Kong to set up plants to in India and Mexico to express research and development centers. Go to global is much(prenominal) than real in the history of the Lenovo. Learning skills and globalization There are five steps enterprise should be take during them go to globalization. They are five different level learn enterprise will be taken.First three steps are get seedtime. For Lenovo, Last two steps are more impotent. If a company is non learning before they are going to international. Its hard to successful. Its like a student will be study in a vernalfound outlandish except he or she potty not know anything about that new country he or she is hard to enjoy his or her study. Step one research learning. Step two microcosmic learning Step three trail learning Step four combine and development learning Step five reform enterprise DNA interrogation learning Research learning is survey of the target countrys macrostinting surroundings and learning it. Before Wal-Mart has been open any supermarket in China.There management essentialiness be get research for Chinese population, income and consumption levels, the per capita GDP of the economy and the Chinese governments intervention in the situation of more then one investigation. This is one very important point to explain why War-Mart so successful. Similarly, Lenovo must be research the target country macro environment Such as politics, economy, population, technology and environment. Lenovo Group on July 26, 2007 in Beijing denote that it will invest 31 million US dollars in India and Mexico for a new manufacturing center, in magnitude to meet these growi ng demands for computers. Before Lenovo root word mark this decision they must be get research about India and Mexico.For example In recent days the information technology industry in India centering on the bull market, is expected in 2008 Indias software industry output value of 87 zillion US dollars, exports reached 50 billion US dollars, Indias software industry has become an important pillar for economic development. The information like that Lenovo sort out must be known before them marks this decision. Of course Lenovo group must research the governments intervention in the situation of these two countries. Microcosmic learning The second phase of the study is aimed at relatively minor issues. The study focused on consumers and the local anaesthetic some tongueless rules.It contains the legal inside. If the analogy to the internationalisation of a war, then only potty we win the battles mutual understanding. However, the key factor in winning is not the master of real ity information. Master of public information is necessary, but not completely conditions. And this public information is that the internationalization of the war is that the macroeconomic environment digest. So completely conditions are the local consumer habits, language, unspoken rules, logical thinking and determine of the legal system and efficaciousness constraints which hidden in the surface. Those in the international war can be viewed as the rival within the military.Lenovo is the same in attainment of IBMs PC division, Lenovo if learn the American consumer habits, lifestyle, and the legal situation of the values Americans have to understand that it acquired in association with the issue of integration afterward winning exposed to greater problems. In fact, Lenovos acquisition of IBMs PC department does have a big problem. The showtime is IBM and Lenovo two different cultural departures. This situation is inevitable, but before Lenovo buying IBM PC department if L enovos management was learning the Americans these potential habits and the rules has so understood will be relatively less. You can imagine, if Lenovo Group and the unite States in the negotiations of the use of the broken English is cooked then you can imagine people sitting in the two countries will have to work with how great the battles and contradictions.If Lenovo executives level are not study the join States culture and the unspoken rules before they buy IBM PC department so that the major acquisitions will be difficult to continue. TCL and Frances Thomson acquisition is between pictures of a negative example. Before TCL buy Frances company Thomson they are not conducted a detailight-emitting diode analysis and study for Frances legal system. In the end TCL encountered big issue in dealing of layoffs in the financing. French law on the protection of layoffs far exceed TCL budget. The outcome of the restructuring are not embarrassed. Trail learning The trinity step is lea rning phase of the second fix up of in-depth. The first two stages of learning are to go abroad for the door before a preparatory work.The third phase is learning test water. In this regard Wal-Mart has done quite well. Wal-Mart entered China in 1996 after five years in China did not have open one more supermarket. Is Wal-Mart hasnt enough money for more supermarket running in China? No, its not. Its Wal-Mart is doing the trail learning in China. In these five years, Wal-Mart postulate gain verification by the domestic market analysis and forecasts of expected ad rightful(prenominal)ments and the development of strategic planning. Because of Wal-Marts goal is to open Wal-Mart stores in China each city, perhaps further with the development of an opening in every town. So one trail learning is necessary for Wal-Mart.Lenovo If you compliments to succeed at the international level, it is the first Wal-Mart to learn patience and ability to learn. Lenovo Group in the United States, Eu rope, India, Mexico and other countries of the target market has sufficient patience to learn. At this stage of learning is the creation and nurturing of talents position of management. If you have done research shows that the McDonalds and KFC Wal-Mart manager almost no Americans, the United States except shop. Wal-Mart in the five-year finish not only learning to do business in China, to study the habits of the Chinese people and Chinese people to do things the way they want to also train them in conformity with the standards of the people and in accordance with the standards of the offer chain.So Lenovo in the United States and other targeted countries on the market to do less is to strengthen their base and develop their own localization of management talent. If Lenovo not build a team in the target country they are hard to quite join the local market. Localization is first step and most important step for the international. If Lenovo failed localization so it is difficult t o achieve internationalization. Google appointed Kai-Fu Lee, vice electric chair for global concurrently president of China is a good example. Google to open the Chinese market to repugn and Baidu, he first has to do is a localization team. Deepen and development learning The fourth stage of learning is to deepen and expand the learning.Foreign spots to enter an unfamiliar market, and in fact created a new post with a same place. That is, no one knows you no one will take the initiative to buy. Therefore, a brand in a local market in order to survive it so successful marketing is essential. In this regard Lenovo marketing done on the more successful. Firstly Lenovos sport marketing was successful in global. You can say this point is Lenovo learning from Samsungs successful experience. Lenovos sports marketing and event marketing performance to join the TOP program and Olympic soccer star Ronaldinho signed. These are reflected in the Lenovo in this regard made by the marketing efforts. It may Lenovo chairman Yang Yuanqing who is doing business on it.At this stage, enterprises in the target countries have started weeny-scale operations. It is a positive competition and contests time. McDonalds in China began opening large fast-food chain has been realised at the time of its raw material tack base in China. Wal-Mart Chinas rapid opening of the supermarket chain has been building his management team and rapid reply put up chain. Theoretically Lenovo in the international market competitors began when awakened positive competition should also establish a strong management team and the localization retort lively provide chain. But in fact its not Reform enterprise DNA The fifth phase of the study is recombinant DNA enterprises time.Its enterprises grow target countries, to thoroughly international. This stage enterprises need to reconsider the definition and rectification. This time the companies have no points of the country. It is not only to do rig ht for the shareholders of such a simple matter. Before Samsung go to global it just need get responsibility for them investor. Need money earnings. But now Samsung has not only south Koreas Samsung. It needs of his enterprises in the world is responsible for the country. Need to integrate global resources and the right of consumers around the world responsible. They need to contribute to the community and they need to foster the image. Samsung done so it Samsung was successfully.Lenovo listing of the problems approach this series, the reasons for Liu to strike summed up a word, is listed after the changes are not suited. Still in the management of a small company means a rationale management listed companies. Now Lenovo whether there is sufficient justification readiness management a multinational? Lenovo seems to be done in this regard also not perfect. The spot incident in the United States is worrying Lenovo in the United States do the preparatory work. DELL salesman wrote in the e-mail, buy Lenovo is a disguised form of support to the Chinese government. He hopes to use this speech to bias Lenovo customers to DELL. This incident will be taken bad influence for Lenovo group in the international.It also reflects Lenovo wasnt establishing an image suit for consumer mind about multinational companies. The big problem exists internal of Lenovo is management put. later on Lenovo acquisition of IBMs PC debasement emerging the contradictions in the management seem to be quite difficult. So Lenovo headhunt DELL CEO Departure to the CEO of Lenovo Group. Lenovo hopes he has come to a temporary solution to the conflict tripartite management of the two sides will win unanimously. More or less the Lenovo Group also did not establish applicable to international management of the approach. It is also indicates that Lenovo determined to establish a new management system. International employee and Lenovo next steps developmentOn November 9, 2004, Lenovo group Pres ident Liu Chuanzhi speaks frankly at the eighth posing of CEO annual meeting, at present the company has encountered two big difficult problems in the internationalization advancement Brand internationalization difficult and the internationalization quick person is deficient. He indicated obtains the success after the Chinese market, the company in order to seek the achievement the breakthrough, at present is moving towards the internationalization and the multiplication. However meets two major problems in the internationalization advancement First is the brand internationalization work on exceptionally is difficult, before we the brand superiority which form in the Chinese market has vanished, must form the international well-known brand, must make the very big effort, and needs to have the massive funds. irregular is Lenovo need more high level international people to help them if company wants to successful in the international. He thinks this is very difficult for a local c ompany. He expressed, Although we have absorbed the colleague which many an(prenominal) has the overseas service experience, but our backbone staff mainly is develops in the native place, raises, these years we ceaselessly absorbed China to study to the overseas, to be some colleagues which the work came back, But requested to the internationalization talented person also to have the very great distance The December of 2005, Dell senior vice- president concurrent Asia an the Pacific and Japan area president William . J .Arab League Mei Liao leaving Dell and join Lenovo group and take up the post of CEO. This is a change for Lenovo group about them everlastingly like use people who are group up inside of Lenovo. From Beijing, Hong Kong to Singapore, the Lou advantage (the American trades union Carolina state) with Paris, disperse in global each place tie ins in GAO Guanceng, most probably is the foreigner. In Lenovo has organize the internationalization first step is as employee s localization understanding. In the present case, the Lenovo group faces the biggest difficult problem still is to the internationalization talented persons demand. A company wants to be really international they must be having international employee first.Now, for Lenovo group the problem is they didnt get enough international employees to do that work. Lenovo group build up them Research and development center any Headquarters in United States of America. In America Lenovo group feel very hard for looking for the suitable employees who understand Lenovo group culture. closely this problem Lenovo get them own solution is improve them request for the new stuffs and change them officer language to English to suit for this problem. This also is the Lenovo speeds up the adoption internationalization advancement a demand. Lenovo must be know that Stealing Managers isnt only way to get suitable employees way. Them must be build a good system to mark them own person with ability inside. Even Lenovo group founder to study the reporter questions also state Lenovo like manger who are group inside. The main reason is Lenovo want to continue them company culture. Now, Lenovo group face the new position them must be get new employees who get more strong skills as learning new things and strong innovation skills. They must be get good team work skills. Supply chain In the submit chain, Lenovo Group of China there is a clear advantage. In 2000, Lenovo in domestic enterprises in the first successful writ of execution of the ERP, and then at that time the supply chain management under the leadership of the Department, took two years to complete the project SCM. At the same time, Lenovo started a supply chain management system.The logistics sector-lead VMI project created with the seller Lenovo synergy values and customs, and re-planning of the procurement logistics network layout, with the suppliers record visualization of collaborative management, real-time monitoring o f inventory levels, according to Lenovo in the single- harvest-festival production depositors from the received 14 days down to five days CTO movement optimization project improved the delivery of customized products, Lenovo was the rapid rise of need technical support operations. after a series optimize of 2002-2004, Lenovo build in the Chinese market gold supply chain, the response speed and cost control has surpassed Dell, In China Lenovos cost just 1/4 about Dell. Lenovos response speed need only four days (Dell for a week). However, in overseas markets, Lenovo will have to face the original IBMs large losses and the slow response of the supply chain?Cost pressures become Lenovo the enormous obstacles in overseas markets. But merging two huge companies in the supply chain integration has existed enormous difficulties. Therefore, Lenovo overseas is still used by IBMs original supply chain system. In China the use of the Lenovo deal set up before the supply chain system. So Le novo CEO Amelio told the new Lenovos global supply chain systems to two point, to balance First, Second is to achieve the lowest cost. Analysis several PC companies which are having more fierce competition with Lenovo group in the international are not difficult to find a problem with Lenovo. That is they are all have more quickly supply chain then Lenovo group has.Dells suppliers are in the kernel of its computer production base in Xiamen next to factories, Lenovo is the need for a global procurement. Now Lenovo s customers outside Chinas orders need eight days to reach the point of production, while Dell only needs one hour. Data show that before the acquisition, Lenovos product inventory days are 22. 7 days, close to the global average PC inventory levels. After the acquisition, Lenovo supply chain costs of the integrality cost of around 6%, while Acquisition former only 1% more. In establishing agile supply chain there are still an unpredictable mistake, it is the assessment f or the land and the combined effect. Which is more important for Lenovos development? It is Lenovo by purchasing land in Laikaluona states of the United States.North Carolina will provide cheap land, but it can not provide competitive provider community. North Carolina has two characteristics first, agriculture, tobacco production up to 700 million pounds annually, in the states, out of one Second, the states of the cotton industry as the cap to Charlotte for the center, around the many small textile industry cities. Lenovo group should do is build a supply chain more quickly then Dell spent more than 20 years established electronic group. Lenovo has to do is to better integrate its internal resources in order to establish agile supply chain. Now there is a big problem inside of Lenovo group is Lenovos inside market.An associate director complained, We often encounter a back-end motherboards are out of the situation a some weeks, the respective(a) district customer manager get go ods, Tun goods. The reason, he believed that there are several aspects 1. Upstream manufacturers Intel and AMD led the industry in price oscillations Two internal Lenovo is a business forecasts mechanism under a quarter of inaccurate forecasts, after mutual-blame The three components of global procurement work is poor four Lenovos product line is the depth breakdown of demand led to parts of the complex. These reasons appear because Lenovos interior management system get big problem. Global marketing and double operation mode Global marketing is an important step for an enterprise going to internationalization.Marketing development process is including seven steps. They are Consumers analysis, market analysis, competitor surveys and the analysis of their own advantages, analysis of distribution channels, the formulation of a preliminary marketing programs, economic development and evaluation and revision before the six steps until the formation of a coordination program. Europe and the US market is a highly sophisticated market, consumers have more strong sense of themselves. They are in choosing products more sensibly. The issue of treatment for products problem are harsher. Some dissatisfaction will resort to the law. Consumers have the power to the more sober understanding.In the market, the saturation of the PC products is higher. Market share by several larger companies occupy. Dell, HP, Acer, is Lenovo strong competitor. Lenovo is more strangeness for the customer. More important is local customers are more strangeness for Lenovo. If they are in direct competition Lenovo only has a little chance of winning. Lenovo their advantages, can be more convenient to refrain the original IBMs biggest customers. As we all know, most of IBMs customers are big customers, while them personal computers are few customers. Therefore the above address this specific Lenovo marketing information for them own tailored to a difference of an international marketing strategy. Specific performance is now vigorously promoting Lenovo dual business model. And find the Olympic fire in the overseas Chinese. Now chairman of Lenovo Group Lauded as the core competitiveness of the Lenovo Lenovos business model is focused on the development of the host. The so-called Lenovo double- business model is the target customer classifications. They are cover two part. One is for Major clients. Its including the government clients. Other is the PC customer. Lenovo group get two different systems to suit this two different groups. As every know this two different groups are look forward to different areas. They get different request for the computer.So as this way Lenovo group can separate the two different services to two different customers groups to ensure satisfaction of customers and will not pass. After Lenovo Group in Germany and some other places that the experiment is indeed feasible. But Lenovo group said this double business model is them core competitiveness se ems too hasty. This model is too easy to copy. We can continue analogy to Lenovo marketing for a war. As for the war, the most important thing is not win, but fought victory after how appease. This like Lenovo group get strong marketing in international and them double business model are successful attract the customer.So that if Lenovo group can not cash in the same quality service as they are commitment for the customer is Lenovo group ruin upon themselves. The United States and the European market is a mature market. Consumers are rational consumers. If Lenovo rely on the strength of marketing get the original customer. But they are not lets original customer become loyal consumers. Lenovo is doubtless offending consumers. This is a bad news for any business. Such behavior like this is self-destructive brand image. Global strategy and differentiation strategy Undeniably, Lenovo was chosen different operations on the internationalization road. This is a wise move for Lenovo group .Lenovo develop target markets mainly in Europe and the United States, some of the more mature markets. Competitors are more powerful. Lenovo Group on large customers has specific Differential Marketing. Whether in the products or marketing, Lenovo in overseas markets, chose the differences strategy of their own as an international strategy. Japans Toyota Motor Corp. in this respect is the more successful. Today Lenovo faced situation is similar as several years ago Toyota faced. So in this side Lenovo group can learned from Toyota. A few years ago the American market is full of heavy car. The car like that are suit for American consumer buying psychology as a car. But Toyotas unique success is the choice of a different strategy.Toyota and strong competitors are not for positive conflict. First of all competitors can relax vigilance. At least Toyota can reduce the bickering about legal before it development enough strong. Secondly use of the product differentiation in stages enter s the mainstream market to be successful. When Toyota was get success in the United States mainstream market. Its competitors were hard to market out of there. quite of the United States car market share declined much. Now, Lenovo Group which is the situation has attracted the attention of competitors. Lenovo has to be done is not in the local market has not yet possible before the firm and competitors have a positive conflict.As Lenovos deal with Dell and HP mail advertising time of the incident the same attitude. Lenovo should take the stable development as the first choice. The difference in the paralysis of the competitors is a more effective means. Competition in mind is not to put pressure on competitors. Reform Lenovo business DNA for build new company culture and global development Lenovo chairman Yang Yuanqing said for the high-speed safety valve refueling aircraft to the high-speed driving for car wheels. We can find how difficulty Lenovo group will be take for them refo rm business DNA. Commercial enterprises DNA of an enterprise is to determine the direction and life.Lenovo in the international community can also depend on the success of Lenovos commercial DNA. Enterprise is the concept of DNA from peter Ducker. Lenovo enterprises DNA is still insufficient to support the internationalization of Lenovo. An adapted to international enterprises DNA is not support as a success leader. It depends on the business system. This includes enterprises inside the decision-making power, organizational structure, information infection and incentive mechanism. A healthy enterprises DNA can adapt to the market risk. If Lenovo group want be more successful in the international market it must be reform them business DNA.Chinese enterprises are in the initial most commercial DNA, their flexibility in the application of event-based decision-making, rapid capture business, the first to enter the market low-priced beat each other, and the lack of those international e nterprise systems, scientific, a semipermanent multi-dimensional space-based game decision-making. Therefore, we must want to understand the development gap at first. Evolutionary their business DNA, in the integration resources, improve the companies create value skills. Mark the decision as more point. From the history of the development of Lenovo is not difficult to see that. Now Lenovo is on the way which is going to internationalization.They must be facing different risks which are come from different regions and countries every day. If Lenovo can not upgrade their own enterprises commercial DNA, it will be difficult survive in the international competitive environment. Summery Lenovo group is going global is a way of Chinese business are going global. There are must be get five steps to learn. For a company which is want to going to global the most important thing is learning skills and reform the business DNA and build a new company culture to suite for new company. Remember that, you are an international company now. If you want to be more successful in the international market you must get the international business DNA.You must be a company and you are not only taking the responsibility for the share holds. Your company should be take responsibility for the customer who comes from all over the world and the people who are come from all over the world. Your company is not only a company. It is an international public machine which supplies service for all over the world. Reference Table of Contents LIANXIANGFENGYUN BY AS LIU ZHIJUN THE NEXT STEP BY AS JIGONG W SANDERSON MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES FOR 21TH CENTURY BY AS PETER DRUCKER FUNDAMENTALS OF INTEMATIONAL BUSINESS BY AS MICHAEL R. CZINKOTA, Ilkka A. Ronkainen and Michael H. Moffett http//business. sohu. com/20070122/n247764248. shtml
Friday, May 17, 2019
Rethink What You Drink Essay
amidst an 8oz glass of orange juice to a 24oz can of soda, atomic number 53 person can confuse surrounded by six to eighteen teaspoons of plunder. One may not think that a can of soda a daylightlight will hurt a person greatly but that person is wrong. If you consume i non-diet soda, sugary sport or cleverness take up, even juice, it can increase your risk of join disease, obesity, diabetes and extravagantly blood pressure, even leading to chronic problems strike down the road. Even drinking a Five-Hour Energy or Monster in the morning separatelyday can lead to a caffein related death. holding up homework, going to practice after school and maintaining a social emotional state, a day existence a teenager can be draining. We stay up late texting or studying for a test at the last minute, and sleep is not our number virtuoso priority. Yes, we wake up the future(a) morning wishing we did not stay up so late, but there is always a cure for that. Almost one(a) third of 12 to 24 year olds said they regularly down an susceptibility drink in the morning. There is nothing wrong with consuming a Starbucks coffee or Five-Hour energy shot in the morning if it is the only thing that will keep us going.The sugar and caffeine in juice, energy drinks and coffee is one of the main factors that keep us teens moving at the pace we do. There are juices, diet sodas and energy drinks that have an okay amount of sugar and caffeine in them to where we could have one a day, and never be harmed. The National health and Nutrition Exanimation go off and Nutrition Services worker, Cheri Collier states, A sugary drink is known as fruit drinks, soda, energy and sport drinks and sweetened bottles of water and too coffee beverages (Gann) The consumption of sugary drinks remains high today.In fact, over a half of the American population has a sugary drink almost every day. Lisa Cimperman, registered dietitian for University Hospitals Case Medical Center said, Many thron g consume too many calories each day Liquid calories dont make you feel full. Causing people to eat and drink more. (Theiss) When someone has so much sugar in their system, it can lead to obesity and diabetes. It is shown that 25. 8 billion Americans have diabetes (8% of population) and 191 million (2/3) are overweight/obese.(Gann) Not to say that a soda a day can lead to this, but when you are consuming mass amounts of sugar, you will become a recrudesce of that 25. 8 million. Men and women are both at risk for developing heart disease. Men who drink one sugar-sweetened beverage occasional have a 20% higher risk of chronic heart disease then men who drink none. A study put on by the Harvard aim of Public Health surveyed 43,000 men throughout 22 years, and results form 18,000 men were demographically similar.Results in American knocker Association journal stated Drinking 12oz of regular soda, fruit drinks and other sugar sweetened beverages daily was associated with higher ris k of heart disease. Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health said that the findings were notable. The same study was put on for a group of 89,000 women, and it was shown that women who drank one or slight than two sugary drinks per day had a 23% increased risk of heart attack and it was quatern times as likely to have a chronic heart problem down the road.(Jaslow) canvas for tests, going out to parties, finishing research papers late into the night, maintaining a social life and working, life of a college student can be draining. Balancing everything usually takes a toll on one of our most critical bodily functions, sleep. So how do these college students wake up in the morning and go to class with energy? A study done by the University of Ohio stated that 74% of undergraduate students unblock to energy supplements in the form of drinks or shots.A single Monster contains 14 teaspoons of sugar and a Five-Hour Energy contains over 8 ,000 percent of the daily-recommended intake of vitamin B12 and over 2,000 percent of vitamin B6. They say that the rush of energy one feels when consuming the drinks is due to the amount of sucralose, an artificial sweetener over 600 times sweeter than sugar and you will also see over 500 milligrams of caffeine in some drinks. So what happens to people who drink these energy drinks and Five-Hour Energy shots?According to Medicine Plus in 2007, almost 6,000 caffeine related deaths occurred in people under the age of 19, and since then, the numbers have continued to rise(Silva). When you come to thinking about drinking a nice cold 8oz soda, remember that you are putting a toxic drug into your body. You could one day have had too many sodas and be sitting at home with heart disease or diabetes. Remember not to over load yourself with a caffeine overloaded energy drink or shot. Try resorting to diet drinks with not as much sugar, or 100% fruit drinks.Our soda riding habit is something we have total control over. There are a lot of things that keep us hearty that are hard work and difficult, but cutting back on sweetened drinks isnt one of them Dr. Stacey Rosen said, the chairman of cardiology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, NY. Next time, reconsideration what you drink.Works Cited Jaslow, Ryan. Sugary Drink Each Day Ups Mens Heart Disease endangerment by 20 Percent. Www. cbsnews. com. CBS News, 14 Mar. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. .Gann, Carrie, and Larry Borges. Study One Sugary Drink Per Day Raises peril of Heart Disease for Men. Www. abcnews. com. ABC News, 12 Mar. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. . Reidt, Robert. Sugary Drinks Can Be Hard on Heart Study. Www. healthyliving. msn. com. Healthy Day, 2 Mar. 2012. Web.3 Dec. 2012. . Theiss, Evelyn. Consumption of Sugar Drinks in the U. S. Remains High, Study Shows. Www. cleveland. com. N. p. , 31 Aug. 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. . Silva, Evan D. Monsters v. Students the Battle for Energy. Lariat. Multi media Editor, 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. .
Is Terrorism the Answer? Essay
To what extent will you go, to prove your smear? Would you kill several(prenominal)one for it? act of terrorism is defined as an act of violence intended to instill fear in the minds of people and is nonionized to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal. The number of assassinations and barrage fires in the recent years has increasingly gone up that even a 4th grader k directlys what a terrorist attack is. Due to the actions of a some groups of people terrorists make received a stereotype wholly over the world. Terrorism is often a result of oppression or is a due to views and beliefs of an individual or an entire organization. In some cases, the same group may be described as emancipation fighters by its supporters and come acrossed to be terrorists by its opponents. Terrorism can actually be seen as a cry for attention, and our media give them just that. The causes and make of terrorist attacks depend on the motivation of an individual or an entire group.Nobody in their right senses would lag to terrorism. One of the main reasons for terrorism is brotherly and political injustice. People choose terrorism when they be nerve-wracking to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong, when they have been stripped of their land or freedom, or denied their human rights. Everybody believes in something and the men who proclaim war against a small society or the whole nation does so because they believe violence bring near a change. Unlike Mahatma Gandhi who believed in ahimsa (fighting injustice with peace) these men believe that a change can non be make unless they fight for it with guns and fails.Years of oppression and discrimination bring about a change in the beliefs and actions of umteen individuals, some might choose to follow the paths taken by great men in the prehistoric and some tries to make a change by terrorizing and instilling fear in society. The sanction compel on Iraq, the presence of U.S mil itary in Saudi Arabia and the support of Israel bythe U.S caused one of nigh celebrated terrorist attack in history, the 9/11 attack on the world trade center. Terrorist attacks are not always for the cause of a society save alike due to an individuals individualised belief and sometimes it is in the form of domestic terrorist attack like the Wall Street bombing or the Oklahoma city bombing.What most people dont think about is what happens later on a terrorist attack. The men who give up their life in order to prove a point or bring about a change do not think what happens to families of the hundreds of people that are victims of a terrorist attack. Terrorist attacks cause instability in the lives of many people. Its effects the community and economy of the nation and also affects the system by which the nation function. The death and destruction caused by an attack leaves the country in ruins for months or even years. Almost every sector of the economy is affected by it. Terr orism imposes a epochal economic effect on societies and will not only lead to direct material damage, but also to long edge effects on the local economy. Due to a terrorist event, these economic agents mislay from impact through losses in physical and human capital.Major terrorist attacks not only creates social imbalance but also creates racial stereotypes. Ever since the 9/11 attack the Muslims have been pronounced as terrorists by people around the world, mainly the west. Since when did terrorists get a face? The same typic long bearded Muslim man with a white turban holding a bomb can be seen on every poster related to terrorism. Even afterwards 13 years, the consequences of the 9/11 attacks are still being felt by Muslims all over the world.It is a facts that most Muslim Americans having to hide their religion, by changing their names or appearance, or by practicing their faith discreetly. A shadow of distrust and suspicion still follows many ordinary Muslims, not only in the united States but around the globe. A religion once known for its peaceful and loving nature is now associated with violence and aggression due to the actions of a group of men. Having a long beard, wearing a hijab or headscarf, or praying in a mosque are now the signs that people look for to accuse someone for terrorism.another(prenominal) obvious answer to the question what are the effects of terrorism? is WAR. Terrorist attacks on different countries result in distrust and aggression in the midst of two countries and this eventually results in long term enmity and in extreme cases lead to war between the nations. Some of the examples for bad relationships between countries are the relationship between America and Iraq or the relationship between India and Pakistan. Although there were no major consequences or effects after the 2008 Mumbai attacks it is not a secret that India and Pakistan are not in best terms with each other.We all have to be concerned about terrorism, bu t you will never end terrorism by terrorizing others Martin Luther King. Just like how our body fights viruses we need to fight terrorism by not letting it heighten or multiply. The approach that can stop terrorism from multiplying lies in developing a long term plan, supported and financed by all nations of the world. Terrorism does not die along with the death of their leader. We need to hazard the root of the problem and cure it. An Individual should not be given a chance to consider violence as an option to bring about a change. I believe education and freedom are the two main ingredients to create a world without violence and terrorism.
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